Saturday, July 10, 2010

In the Class room's (Public Schools)

Imagine being a student in an American classroom where a non-English speaking student attends? The teacher is held accountable for teaching each child. The American students sit and wait while the teacher is assisting that non-English speaking child. The American student is distracted while the ESL teacher interrupts the classroom environment to assist this child. The American student sits quietly while the teacher repeats and rephrases trying to teach the non-American student in a language that is not their own. Who benefits? No-One! Does the general population know that at least in Louisiana a non English speaking student cannot be held back for his/her first two years in the school system. Does the average American know that most text book reading programs have separate small group lessons for ESL students. What are the others learning while the teacher is working with those one or two children on these special lessons? I teach in public schools however my child attends private! That says alot coming from an educator!
via~ new Orleans


  1. Oh wow how wrong is this! It's just as bad when more attention is given to state testing as well.

  2. i agree wanda.. our system sucks in all areas! John struggled all thru high school over that darn test... broke his spirit about graduating he knew he couldnt pass them all... just wrong and now we are having to move over for the non english speaking.. ugh.. just makes me mad...
